Opinions about a base editor like Clash of Clans?

Posted 10 years ago
Thread Starter


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I tend to find it agonizing to rearrange my base. I think it's a hassle and takes too long. A base editor like the one clash of clans has would be nice. What do you people think?
Posted 10 years ago


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
Are you talking about a Online base builder?
Posted 10 years ago
Thread Starter


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
No. It would be in the app when playing. For example, you want to make a new base. But instead of moving everything to the side, you press a base editor button and everything goes into your inventory on the bottom of your screen where you can drag buildings out and place them. Basically what coc has.
Posted 10 years ago

Arctic Wombat

Jun 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Oh, yea, that really would be helpful (Edit base mode)
Posted 10 years ago
Thread Starter


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Exactly, supercell should totally add an edit base mode
Posted 10 years ago


Jun 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
That's will very useful
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Oct 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
YES!!! It would be awesome if they would implement that feature.
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Nov 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I prefer to add a new worker/builder than base editor ;) but if both, then cool! :) hehe
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Nov 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I agree about the new builder/worker. Also you should add in a base edit mode like in Clash of Clans. It gets really annoying when you get to higher levels to have to move everything around with limited room. also the mines are a real pain and are time consuming to move around so make it like the Clash base edit mode...please
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
Apr 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
I agree.. doesnt make sense why they would leave out an online base editor! I think Supercell were consciously trying to differentiate BB as a different game to CoC. It also aggrovates me that you cant export your replays to youtube or other online video sharing sites.