[GUIDE] What troops to use when raiding?

Posted 10 years ago
Thread Starter


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Hey guys! Cameron here, Today im going to talk about what troops to use when raiding! Currently my highest troop is the warrior, Atm i have 4 Boats lvl 7 and this is what i use:

1st Set! (Rough,Tough and Fast)
Boat 1: Warriors
Boat 2: Warriors
Boat 3: Warriors
Boat 4: Henry

2nd Set! (Range)
Boat 1: Zookas
Boat 2: Zookas
Boat 3: Rifleman
Boat 4: Henry

3rd Set! (Nutty Henries)
Boat 1: Henry
Boat 2: Henry
Boat 3: Henry
Boat 4: Henry

Have you got some more boat sets??? Post them, These will work only if they are at the right level and you know how to use them!
Posted 10 years ago


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
I am Level 19 HQ9 And Boats Level 7 I use:

Boat 1: Henry :)
Boat 2: Heavies
Boat 3: Zooka
Boat 4: Zooka
Boat 5: Rifleman
Posted 10 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
i am hq 6 and i use
boat 1: heavies
boat 2: heavies
boat 3: heavies
boat 4:zookas
Posted 10 years ago


Oct 2013
lvl 5: Goblin Ponch
I'm HQ17 and I use:

boat 1: tanks
boat 2: tanks
boat 3: tanks
boat 4: tanks
boat 5: medics
boat 6: heavies
boat 7: heavies
Posted 10 years ago


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Hey it's commander tim
Hq: 6
First boat: heavies
Second boat: heavies
Third boat: zookas
Fourth boat: zookas
Always try to take out mortars with this strategy because your zookas will get decimated if your heavies are too close to the mortar. Sniper towers and cannons can be a problem to the zookas but the heavies do a good job of distracting
Posted 10 years ago


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
True. Thanks Commander TIM!! We have a tip section that you are more then welcome to add too as well. You seem to have some good advice for the community, Thanks :D
Posted 10 years ago


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I am a bit higher level. I've got 6 Board at Level 11 so I can hold 5 Warrios in it. I'm using just Warriors. In Combination with smoke Screens and shock bombs it's to OP.
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I'm hq 10 with 15 warriors there great :)
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Same here PhillipAdams, I'm HQ level 9 with 15 warriors, and with smart usage of the stun grenade and Medi-Kit, I can just Storm the enemies HQ and my warriors demolish it in about 10 seconds, so as long as enough stay alive, I have quite often taken down enemies that are sometimes 5/6 levels above myself, and when you do that you earn some BIG rewards for doing so too. :)

Loving this game!!! :)
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Hello, Ok I`m new to the game, and in reading this thread, I`m trying to figure out what are Henry`s. I am only HQ 3 (about to be 4). But in looking through the troops that are yet to be unlock I do not see Henry's in the list. Also in looking here at the site, under the Info Tab, I could not find Henry`s either.

I`m guessing Henry`s are a nick name for something?

Thanks, Zanatar.
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Well I just saw a reply from Neggs in another post that Henry's are Heavies.
But it's still confusing as Wightsage has above "Boat 1 Henry, Boat 2: Heavies.. etc"

Makes it look like they are indeed different troops. But I guess that means Boat 1 is Heavies as well then correct?

Thanks, Zanatar.
Posted 10 years ago


Jun 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Mccrasp here
HQ level:10

All boats are level 8 and the warriors are level 3.

Boat 1: 4 warriors
Boat 2: 4 warriors
Boat 3: 4 warriors
Boat 4: 4 warriors
Boat 5: 4 warriors

Is this good?
Posted 10 years ago


Jun 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
all warrior
Posted 10 years ago


Jun 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
HQ:- lvl 7, xp :- 20
Boats are at lvl 10

Atm i use

Boat 1: heavies(lvl 4)
Boat 2: heavies(lvl 4)
Boat 3: zooka(lvl 4)
Boat 4: zooka(lvl 4)
It seems a btr combo for me... What do u think about this...?
Posted 10 years ago


Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Hi ...

HQ lvl 12
Gun Boat lvl 10
Landing Craft lvl 8

Boat 1: Warrior (lvl 3)
Boat 2: Warrior (lvl 3)
Boat 3: Warrior (lvl 3)
Boat 4: Warrior (lvl 3)
Boat 5: Rifleman (lvl 7)
Boat 6: Rifleman (lvl 7)

Next Plan Upgrade HQ lvl 13
Posted 10 years ago


Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
HQ 12
Gunboats are lvl 10 boosted with 16% energy
Troops health booster by 25% health and 13% damage.
Loadout 1:
Boat 1: Rifle man (lvl 6)
Boat 2: Rifle man (lvl 6)
Boat 3: Rifle man (lvl 6)
Boat 4: Zooka (lvl 6)
Boat 5: Zooka (lvl 6)
Boat 6: Zooka (lvl 6)
Posted 10 years ago


Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
HQ 11
Gunboat level 12
Troop Damage: 4% and 5%
Boat 1: Warriors (Level 5)
Boat 2: Warriors (Level 5)
Boat 3: Warriors (Level 5)
Boat 4: Warriors (Level 5)
Boat 5: Warriors (Level 5)
All MY landing craft are level 9, Be careful using this, target Flamethrowers,cannons and machine guns! those will do the most damage to your troops! Also be careful with the mortar, a high level mortar can do some bad damage! Rocket launchers will do almost nothing to a warrior unless its a high level. always let your warriors do there OWN thing, don't use the flare unless you REALLY BADLY need it! Shock bombs and med kits are the best combo, Barrage and artillery help at the beginning at the raid can also help to take out those Flamethrowers, cannons and Machine guns! after those are down i use shock bombs and med kits! (Boom mines also a BIG challenge)
Posted 10 years ago


Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Aug 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
5 lvl 8 boats full of lvl 4 warriors
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Aug 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Ezigg here... I use Hooka strategy
HQ -11
Boat 1: Heavies
Boat 2: Heavies
Boat 3: Heavies
Boat 4: Zookas
Boat 5: Zookas
My heavies are level 8, so they can soak up a bit of damage, especially with three landing crafts of them. Of course, the goal here is to set the Heavies up front to take the damage while the Zookas in the back deal damage to base buildings. This is a really reliable strategy as long as your Zookas stay out of the line of fire. Key defenses are: Boom Cannons (if there is some), Cannons, and sniper towers. Each deal a great amount of single target damage, which can be deadly to your heavies. Make sure to make these defenses your #1 priority, and take them out early; you should be on your way to being victorious!

Helpful Tip: The Zookas have [very] long range, so take this into consideration when planning out your attack. A lot of times, you can easily avoid multiple defenses (sometimes over half for me) when attacking an enemy's HQ. This, in turn, can minimize casualties and time spent after attacking a base.
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Nov 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I'm lvl 7HQ I use

Boat 1: riflemen
Boat 2: riflemen
Boat 3: zookas
Boat 4: heavies
They all hold 8 spaces and I have 90 VP check out the base I use I posted it before I had an account it's called invincible 7 it's for HQ lvl 7 check it out