Create Base

Toggle Range
Helpful Hints
  • Move structures to place them.
  • To add or remove walls just hold down the left mouse button.
  • Use the blue area as excess storage.
  • Must modify 30 times and make public to display on the front page.
  • For the best performance, turn off the perimeter when drawing walls.
  • Save often.
  • You can click this window to close these hints.
Your Base was Saved!
Having Problems with the Builder Tool?
If you try to place your structures and they sometimes revert back to their original position, you'll need to quickly change a setting in your browser:

For Safari & Chrome

  • Look for your browser's File, Edit, View, etc pull down menu
  • Select View
  • Select Actual Size
  • Refresh your browser

For Firefox

  • Look for your browser's File, Edit, View, etc pull down menu
  • Select View
  • Select Zoom
  • Select Reset
  • Refresh your browser
If resetting your zoom does not work, you're probably running an extension that doesn't agree with the build tool. Try disabling extensions in your browser to ensure there are no conflicts.

If it's still not working, try using a different browser. Sometimes Windows browsers do not jive well with our builder tool.

If all else fails, Contact Us and we'll see what we can do to help.